Since August of 1991, the internet has grown at an increasing rate. This is partially due to the availability of cheap high speed internet access and many free “do-it-yourself” online marketing tools. The low cost solutions for easy websites, sub-domain hosting, free blogging and non-advertised social media are great for the hobbyist, but have no real value for your business.
Microfile® is in the business of marketing your business and creating brand identity through your website, blog, social media and email. Our approach to marketing includes proper branding, creating interest, communicating with customers, strategizing new markets and providing the best solution for your marketing budget.
We have been in business for over 40 years and have been providing internet marketing since 1995. Our client base includes internet retailers, attorneys, doctors, realtors, brick and mortar stores, politicians, social media personalities, event coordinators, and document management service businesses. Our team has a diverse set of skills to market your business.
Microfile® was started in 1976 as a micro-graphics service agency in St. Petersburg, Florida. The companies main core business was proving microfilming services to law firms, doctors office, and accounting firms. These services were provided at the customer location with offsite film processing.

By the 1980’s, Microfile® expanded services to include hospitals, colleges, and government agencies both federal and local state offices. Micrographic, Film Processing and Document Storage was performed in-house under the strictest security control and document handling regulations. Clients included Honeywell, GE, Bayfront Medical Center and Sarasota Memorial Hospital.
In the late 1990’s, document management had started migrating away from film and into digital formats. Microfile® was early to adopt record scanning into Adobe PDF and using DASD and NAS systems to store data. Microfile® used relational databases in both ODBC and SQL for document storage and retrieval. High speed scanners of the time were used in conjunction with a second copy of each record microfilmed. Customer data was typically backed up to tape drives with film being stored in our secure location. Microfile® had also started selling micro-graphic equipment, document scanners, microfilm / microfiche viewers, reader printers and replacement lamps online to other document management agencies and the public.

By the mid-2000’s, Microfile® started scanning microfilm to digital format as the need for faster retrieval on older documents grew. Microfile® had completely shut down its micro-graphic operations and was only providing document scanning services, record storage and processing online orders with their eCommerce storefront.
In 2010, Microfile® started offering website design and internet marketing services. This business decision was made due to the decreasing need for document management services. Customers had moved away from paper only documentation to direct digital storage and personal scanners on the desktop.

Today, Microfile® provides services throughout the Tampa Bay, Orlando, Naples, Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale and Miami areas. Microfile®’s clients include online retailers, attorneys, condominium associations, property management companies, chiropractors, hypnotherapist, realtors with MLS listings, social icons, event coordinators, and many more specialty small businesses. Talk to our team for solution that is right for you.